What Does it Take to Fly?
Here at the farm, I get to witness how powerful using symbolism and metaphor can be for people of all ages, to connect more deeply with aspects of their life.
The hummingbird, is a fragile but hearty little creature. It reminds us of the beauty of the inner life.
Like the hummingbird, our children are small and seemingly delicate in stature, yet so full of life and energy. Sometimes we need to stop and learn from kids . More importantly, to remember that we can still experience and share sweet, youthful moments with them. That is how wonderful memories are made.
I ask myself, “What is the nectar life that sustains me? What things attracted me in childhood still fulfill me in adulthood?” I want to retain a sense of wonder and simplicity; always searching for beauty.
With lightness and purpose, let us all dare to fly like the little hummingbird.
- Shel Silverstein